Happy Saturday, friends! I hope everyone is feeling good today. If you are a fan of Irish traditional music, and want to do something good for the people affected by the recent natural disasters in Puerto Rico and Mexico, I've got an announcement for you! Myself and Dylan Foley recorded an album over the summer, which we are releasing online today, and donating all of the proceeds to disaster relief in those areas.
While playing some gigs at John D. McGurk's in St. Louis, we set up a little recording rig in The Palace, which is the apartment in which the house bands stay while playing there. We wanted to give a nod to the traditional Irish music community by putting out an album of unaccompanied flute and fiddle tunes. Today we are releasing 'The Palace Sessions' on Bandcamp. There are 13 tracks, all totally unaccompanied, unedited, and presented mainly in the order in which they were recorded. You can name your own price, and know that all of our share for the time being will go to Fondo Unido México / United Way Mexico, and Unidos por Puerto Rico / United for Puerto Rico. Bandcamp has graciously volunteered to lower their take to 10%, and the rest will all go to those charities, until the pressing need for aid in those two areas has passed. We will publish our donation receipts online so that our listeners can be assured that their money is going to charity.
There are a lot of alarming things happening in the world right now, and many recent events that have left me with a feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness. There are so many causes worthy of our concern right now, it is difficult to imagine attempting to address all of them, but with baby steps and choosing one thing at a time, perhaps we can affect some positive change. This is a small way in which we felt we could engage our Irish music community, raise some money for a good cause, and maybe put a smile on a few faces with some tunes. Hope you enjoy!
(Thanks to Neal Warshaw for the photo, Anna Colliton for banner design, and special guest Matthew Mancuso for a surprise appearance!)